What aspiring DJs have been doing to be productive during this pandemic


DJ Haidak, along with other DJs and a diversity of people in the arts out there, have been affected, one way or another, by the sudden slowdown that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused. Through this blog, he shares what some aspiring DJs in his circle have been doing to be productive.

Image source: expressnews.com

1. Getting better

As DJing becomes serious business for anyone who wishes to pursue it as a career, aspiring DJs have been conditioning themselves during this time of the pandemic. DJing is just like taking up your sport of choice. If you stop playing, you will get rusty and sluggish, warns Haidak. DJs always need to keep their creative juices flowing because performance level requires them to have it no other way. If you need to pretend to have an audience in front of you just so you can get in the zone, go on and do it.

Image source: theconversation.com

2. Performing online

Some novices want to exercise their creativity but aren’t very comfortable showing what they have to a broad and potentially more critical audience, at least not just yet. Some of them have been inviting people that they know to watch them on Zoom or Facebook since that’s the best way to connect with people anyway at a time like this. According to Haidak, doing so gives aspiring DJs the added benefit of getting some constructive criticism from people they know who only want them to improve their skills.

3. Research

Any budding artist would like to develop their craft on their own in the process of discovery or trial and error. However, there is such a thing as a musical influence, especially when it comes to creating music. The legends in the DJing scene are there for a reason, and aspiring DJs have educated themselves with their work during this pandemic. A good amount of research is always favorable, and it certainly does not hurt to look at what contemporary DJs are doing, too, if you want to have some context of certain standards, as well as the opportunities you can use to grow from there.

Haidak is a rising DJ and producer gaining recognition in the global music industry. He is a regular in the rave circuit scene in Amsterdam. For more on his work, visit this page.
